Well it's 4.30am, I'm done with trying to sleep. Hot and cold constantly, irritable, and over thinking all the time I am awake. Tried for half an hour to get back to sleep, so eventually decided to come into the living room, and curl up on the sofa.
Feeling pretty drained now, walking is becoming shuffling, and breathing more of an effort. Although sats are still good, so that's something.
Seems the virus is still settling in, with my cough getting more frequent now. Although as a guide, I can go half an hour or so without coughing, so it's not like it's persistent as in constant.
So far today, since I went to bed, my body battery has continued to drop, even with 4 hours of mediocre sleep. Can see the stress levels were high throughout. Something tells me today is gonna be a really crappy day. Meh.
Right, I'm gob a curl back up now and at least try and relax, if not sleep for a bit. C'mon body, we got this.
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