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Covid Isolation Day 6 - Another day, another test..

Another test, and it's still positive. Last night's sleep wasn't as good as the night before, definitely more broken, but ended up waking refreshed and fully charged.
Last start to the day, starting work early to pass the time, and then getting in a 4 mile run. I say run, but same as before, intervals building up to a longer duration of running.

Can't say it was too hard on the body. Legs and lungs not struggling, and HR recovering quickly each time. So that was a mental boost for me. Definitely could not have managed that for a couple of days. 
Took my LFT around lunchtime, and as I said it was positive. Big bold line within 75 seconds of starting the test. So pretty sure that's right.

The earlier running helped get things moving in my lungs, with a few nice coughs, but thankfully no soreness in my throat while breathing harder today, so that's an improvement.

This afternoon, feeling daring I decided to jump on the rower for a bit. Wake the whole body up and see what that did. I am happy to report that I managed pretty well. Not a long session, but enough to remind me that certain body parts have not been used for a few days, and that I am still a bit low on energy.
Tomorrow is another day.... I get the impression the LFT will still be positive, but that's OK, cos I'm keeping positive too, and have exercise plans, so balls to you Covid! 


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