Phew, what a morning it has been. Finally managed to get back to sleep for an hour or so, filled the battery up a little. By the time I got up again, Ann had confirmed she has now tested positive also, so now at least that's out of the way so to speak.
So far her symptoms are mild, with a cough and slight weakness.
As for me, I would love to say I am feeling better, but I now have an ache through to my bones, I am sure you know the feeling. My chest is getting a lot sorer now from coughing, which in turn affects my breathing a little. But nothing major.
Sniffle is getting worse now though, and I am doing my best to keep all that crap off my chest. That is the last thing I need right now.
Other than that, all else is about the same. Most symptoms fit that of flu (much to the delight of deniers I am sure).
I did have a little walk on the treadmill earlier, still trying to keep my aching body moving, rather than completely seizing up. Started out slow and gently increased to a brisk walk for 5KM. Heart rate wasn't too bothered by it, and recovered quickly as soon as I eased off the pace.
Body battery is bottoming out right now at about 23. Really is fascinating to see the data from the Garmin, and how accurately it matches my actual energy levels right now. You can see the trend for the past 6 days, and how the last 3 during Covid have plummeted.
Oh, my sense of smell returned too, after a few short hours of losing it. Strange, but all the more reason to keep notes. All very weird and interesting.
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