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Running outdoors resumed today.

Wow that was lovely to get back out there on two feet and see what my body had left in it. I was a little concerned about running, but I needn't have been.  Starting out nice and gently, with a simple, flat 5k being the goal, I felt better than expected from the off. Setting out a little faster than planned, I eventually just settled into a 10.15min/mile average and kept it there. Giving things a chance to warm up a bit, inc my body as it was a bit chillier than I thought! Much to my surprise my lungs were fine, breathing wasn't a struggle in any way, and my HR remained under control, falling nicely after any inclines.  One thing I did notice throughout the day post run was a cough. Not bad, nothing serious, but more frequent that it has been for the past few days. That said, its productive, so that's a good thing. Clearing that chest up nicely now. Oh and sore legs! Still achy this evening, after such a short run, haha!  So that's me, let's see how I feel in the mo...
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Freedom Day!

Where do I start! OK Day 11 I guess, no post for yesterday as nothing much happened, other than me over cooking it a bit on a Zwift ride. Body battery died a death, and recovery for today wasn't ideal. Day 11 test was of course positive, but taking a lot longer to show. So, today, Freedom Day! Of course taking all the advice into account, reading the various interpretations of what it all meant, and even throwing a poll on to Twitter to see what others would do. The section of information in question here is the advice for still testing positive after 10 days. It reads..  " What if I’m still testing positive after 10 days? You may leave self-isolation after your 10th full day of self-isolation even if you are still testing positive. The only exception to this is if you still have a high temperature, or are still feeling unwell. If you only have a cough or your sense of smell or taste remains affected, you can leave isolatio n." Obviously, other than a bit of fatigue when ...

Covid Isolation - Day 10 - Mixed results.

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Covid Isolation - Day 9 - Feeling Stronger

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Day 8 - Test time.

Nope, no suspense this time, straight up positive still.  My gentle morning walk was a bit more of an effort than expected to begin with, coughing almost immediately, but settled in OK in the end. Temperature is down to 36.6c now which is nice. I can feel the difference as its starting to drop.  4 days of isolation left now inc today, so the clock is ticking down nicely now. Can't wait to get out for some gentle exercise. Cue the shite weather!

Covid Isolation - Day 8 - Shite night!

As promised, I had an early night last night. Did me no good whatsoever, and struggled all night to stay asleep for any period of time. Waking with a sore throat and mouth a number of times, then couldn't get back to sleep. Disturbed by any noise I heard including 'a owl, a evil f**kin owl'. My brain turned it into someone calling for help in my dream somehow. Needless to say I woke feeling a bit crappy to say the least. Body battery only went up to 90% after all that rest, and that's just about where I feel right now. Fair to say that a big effort on the bike yesterday probably didn't help matters, but hey. Today I shall take it a lot easier, no racing heart rates for me, just a nice morning walk on Zwift is all I have planned. Just a bit snotty this morning, and body a bit low on energy, other than that, not too bad, cough is much less frequent today.  Ann tested positive again, so no early release for her. 

Day 7 - Little wobbly.

Today after a good start I thought I would drop the paracetamol, and stick with just the antibiotics. I have had plenty of fluids today and enough food to keep the energy levels up. All good, right? Well, apparently not. Over the afternoon I have developed a bit of a warm feeling, some tightness in my neck and shoulders, and a bit of a foggy wobby head. This evening the light headedness is a bit more noticeable. Of course, some of this could be put down to quite a lot of coughing today, certainly noticed the increase in coughing in a little throat soreness now. Nothing terrible, but a bit of a change all the same, so thought I would note it down. Definitely feel tired now, by late afternoon I was ready for bed, so might try for an earlier one today.